Our Aim.
To provide friendly and accessible PE lessons plans, activities, resources and academic articles that are founded upon good teaching theory (pedagogy) that will have an immediate impact on teacher's lessons and their students' learning. We hope that you'll find the PE Project helpful in your journey towards excellence!
Our Vision.
To increase teacher confidence and competence to deliver high-quality Physical Education lessons that are student-centered, engaging, fun, and stress-free. As a result, helping more students to have postive and educationally rich PE experiences which will increase their love for physical activity and sport.
Who we Are.
The PE Project is a small team of highly-qualified and internationally experienced Physical Educators from around the globe.
Available Resources
Years of Teaching Experience
Teaching Philosophy
At the PE Project we have brainstormed our teaching philosophy and decided upon seven-principles for helping lead high quality learning in PE, these are:
We believe that students need to know that their teachers CARE about them. Theodore Roosevelt put it best “Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.”
We believe that learning should be PERSONALIZED to the specific needs of each pupil.
Student Centered
We believe learning should be STUDENT-CENTERED as pupils should lead their own learning, grow in independence and work harder than the teacher.
We believe that in order for pupils to be motivated learners, teachers should provide them with increasing amounts of AUTONOMY - a sense of freedom or choice over what they are learning, and how they will learn it.
We believe that teachers should help students find their optimal state of flow, or MASTERY so that pupils are able to find the sweet spot where the challenge is neither too easy, nor too hard.
We believe it is vital that pupils find PURPOSE in their learning, and can understand how it impacts their own and others’ lives, both now and in the future.
We believe that all learning experience should be as AUTHENTIC as possible, and should replicate closely to real-life (or game) situations, whether dealing with physical, mental or social challenges.
High Expectations
For these principles to be successful we believe they must be built upon a foundation of high expectations - aiming to bring out the best in every student.
Growth Mindset
Our principles are not set in stone, rather they are depicted as banners in front of each pillar. We should regularly challenge ourselves to explore different ways of doing things which will ultimately refine our philosophy.

Scott Rogers
Founder and AuthorPhysical Education teacher at the British International School of Chicago. Over 10-years teaching experience, having worked in London, Washington DC, Prague, and now Chicago. Qualifications include: MA International Education (Distinction), BA Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science (First), PGCE (Distinction).

Jack Bartlett
Contributor and AdvocatePhysical Education teacher at the British International School of Chicago. Over 10 years teaching experience, having worked in London, The Isle of Wight and Chicago. Qualifications include: MA International Education, BSC in Sport Coaching and Sport Education and PGCE.

Grant Huddleston
Writer & ContributorSenior Lecturer in Physical Education at Birmingham City University. Has 14-years PE teaching experience in UK schools for across all key stages before moving into Higher Education. Qualifications include: MA Education, BSc Sport Science and Management (Hons), PGCE’s (x3), FHEA, PhD (2021-Present).

Adrienne Taylor
AdvocateHead of Whole School PE at the British International School Hanoi. Has 18 years P.E teaching and middle leaders experience in both UK and International schools across all key stages. Qualifications include a Bachelor of Science in Sports Studies from Worcester University and a GTP from Chichester University.